Relationship Stereotypes

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"He's been in a lot of relationships. He says it's my first so I don't really understand. I am being stupid if I feel jealous when he talks to other girls. What to do?"

I have been asked this question a dozen times, by a dozen girls and to top it off, not just by girls, but a guy friend of mine came up with this question a week ago.

Well what can I say? Welcome to the 21st century! It's the era of instant make-ups and even faster break-ups. People of this generation don't really get the concept of a relationship. It has become the question of your status symbol. You have to stick to the 'status quo'. Those who have never been in a relationship are often looked down as weird, ugly, pathetic, loser-ish or without a 'life'.

Hello! Reality are not any of that if you are not in a relationship. Duh! How can you be? Ask me? I have seen it all. People in relationships are pathetic and love obsessed that they are so dependent on the other person that they become insensitive to other people's life.

Insecurities, doubts, cheating and hate are one of the few attributes that a relationship today looks like. The depth and subtlety of the relation has drowned in the immense ocean of pure BULLSHIT.
The people who ask me this question, "What am I supposed to do? How can I tolerate him/her flirting around shamelessly while I cry inside?" I'd like to ask you one thing my friend, "That person has been in a lot of relationships right? But they all ended, didn't they?"

So, here's the thing, they were incapable of handling those relationships, so how can they tell you what's right and what's not? Use your brains dumbo! I mean, Yeah! You are new at it but you know what feels right and what doesn't.

So, if you want a stable relationship, work things out. You've got to be open about your likes and dislikes about certain things they do. That's how a relationship works- a little love, a little compromise and a little common sense. And anyways you aren't being over possessive....are you? 
At last, I know I have irritated you enough, so at last, I'd like to tell you that the probability of you having a relationship set to right would be more because they have already tried and failed but you, you still have a shot to make.

And remember that every relationship is unique.....There are no STEREOTYPES!

Till then, Stay sassy, classy and a bit bad assy!


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