What is true love...to you?

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"Love is an open door, with you!"

True love happens in the blink of an eye. It will come to you, you just have to wait. But what if the other person is also thinking the same and we both end up waiting forever or worse, end up with someone wrong and ruin four happy lives.

Romantic movies have led us to believe that true love is this and that, it happens with the person you find the most beautiful pretty and hence has resulted in people becoming obsessed with beauty(of the outside rather than inside) and all things materialistic.

At the end of the day, you have to live with a person and their personality, not their beauty. Sure, people can be pretty but that doesn't define the fact that they should date pretty. Again they can date a pretty person, if they find them compatible, not just pretty.

Our generation has changed the whole meaning of true love. It has become a beauty pageant rather than the real thing. Although, beauty pageants have a talent round, so maybe worse than beauty  pageants, which is even more scary.

Everyone has a definition for true love, so here is mine:

What is true love not to me?
  • Falling for someone at  first sight
  • The person has to be perfect in every way
  • Compromising all the time
  • Being lovey dovey all the time
  • One person making all the sacrifices

What it does mean to me?
  • Nobody is perfect and so the guy I like shouldn't be either
  • We should have different interests and some common ones too
  • Should be understanding of our differences
  • Shouldn't be a delusional person
  • A bit of sense of humor won't hurt
  • We should fight and make up
Our relationship doesn't have to be picture perfect, but we should be able to love and understand each other and have fun around each other. That's probably my definition of true love.

So, tell me, what's your definition of true love?

Till then, Stay Sassy, Classy and a bit bad assy.


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