How to deal with people who talk trash about you?
"People will talk trash, it is after all their job"
I get it! People like to talk nonsense behind your back and sometimes, when you are lucky(Yes, lucky), you get to hear it for yourself. It hurts, but before you go throw yourself in this cycle of:
1. Denial: "How could that b*tch say this about me?" *confused tone
2. Anger: "HOW COULD THAT B*TCH SAY THIS ABOUT ME?" *angry tone
3. Bargaining: "How could that b*tch say this about me?" *bargaining tone
4. Depression: "How could that b*tch say this about me?" *depressed tone
5. Acceptance: "Maybe they are right."
I want you to think that they might be right, so what? Is everybody on planet earth perfect? Last time I checked (just checked), the answer is NO.
Everybody is fighting their own battles and maybe this is their way of overcoming their shortcomings, by taking trash about you. Know this, it is their right to it and you can do it too. Cool, right?
N to the O, NO. What will be the difference between you two then? My solution: Talk to that person. If you can't do that, buddy, maybe you deserve to wallow in that sadness or maybe, they are right or maybe both.
Don't worry, if you are a coward or if they are right. YOU ARE YOUR OWN SELF! UN-APOLOGETICALLY YOURSELF! You did something that they didn't like, so what? They breathe too, maybe you don't like that, but you are not complaining, right?
I recently left my job because of personal reasons, but there was this person whom I didn't gel with and I made the same mistake we all do: Didn't talk my problems through with him. Result: I
From now on, I am deciding to always talking it out to the person accused of talking trash about me when I hear it. So, don't be the old me. Try to talk it out. START A FIGHT with them, if you have to (Nothing physical though, or indirect rumor war, BUT face to face with that person in a verbal feat).
Just don't keep it in because there are a lot of people out there who will tell you that you can do this and that to overcome the sadness of someone speaking trash about you. They maybe be right and it might work for some. But, I know this that it will always hurt, maybe less with time, but still the hurt will be there.
So, why not cure it? Why not choose the path of less hurt? I mean, what's the harm in trying? You can always become like them and start trash talking about them too. Because nobody's perfect. That is the easy road. What's the fun in taking that?
Take the tough road, nobody expects you to do that, NOBODY! Surprise them bee-yatches.
Stay sassy, classy and a bit bad assy.
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