Lust at First Sight

He said, "I think I fell in love with you when I saw you the first time." She said, "Yeah right! You mean you fell in LUST at first sight with me?"
Yup! You heard me right. It is always 'Lust at First sight'. 'Love at First Sight' is a myth. Myth Buster B*tches!! There is no such thing as love at first sight. It is the narcissistic and materialistic thinking of people that makes them feel that they fell in love at first sight whilst in reality what they did think when they saw each other for the first time was, "Gotta do Bang Bang!"
I might be the wrongest person on earth trying to talk about love, but I know one thing and that is, that there cannot be love just by looking at someone.
I mean, don't you need to know the person in order to love them? What if they are a serial killer or if I quote Kristoff from Frozen, what if the guy picks his nose and eats it?
I know they all say that in love you have to make adjustments and stuff, but isn't it a tad bit too convenient? Oh! I am ready to adjust but for the right one. But, I won't ever put on with a person just because he looks hot or has a social status because at the end of the day I have to live with the personality and not the face.
Once a friend of mine had a crush on a girl whose boyfriend wasn't that good looking (neither was my friend to be honest). He asked me, what does she see in him? I am better looking than him (the materialistic b*tch was right here), richer and smarter than him. To which I could only reply, "Maybe he isn't a judgmental ass like yourself."
Bottom line is that the love at First sight is a scam to make people fall for those sappy sh*t movies that some people make to swindle money from others but when it comes to true love, you should fall for (again I might the world's wrongest person to say this, but what the hell, my blog!) that guy who cares for you, who makes you feel special and who will stand by you even when the whole world is against you. He won't be the most good looking or the richest of lads when it comes to materialistic matters, but he would be the most awesomest personality guy with the richness where it truly counts....that is, his heart.
Oh and I mentioned him because I am a girl but the same thing goes for a girl. She might not be the prettiest of the lot but trust me, if she is the better one, looks won't matter because at the end of the day, it will be the person that you have to live with and not just the face.
And again, I am not the world's righteous person to say this, but maybe the sensible-st.
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