Life ain't bout "winning always"
OMG! Lost my football match yesterday. It was damn humiliating with all the cheap commenting and one of my teamie falling down a lot coz of the field having endured rain and people pushing her out and about. She's petite and fragile. The field was all muddy and our honor had the courtesy of hanging out with it. Some of my teamiez said that the match we played was biased coz of the referee being the opposite team captain's friend. BTW I was the team captain for DevilChicks. Continuing, I did think it true, for I noticed it with my own eyes but to think it through, it wouldn't have changed the outcome. It's hard to accept the fact that we weren't good enough. Then there was this b*tch who kicked me in the leg deliberately a lot of times(coz of which I am in pain n my skin has blued out....feeling blue seems appropriate ova here) coz let's face it...M fine in sports. But no worries, I know how to get back and even she can't walk properly now. I know, I am ev...