
Showing posts from September, 2013

Life ain't bout "winning always"

OMG! Lost my football match yesterday. It was damn humiliating with all the cheap commenting and one of my teamie falling down a lot coz of the field having endured rain and people pushing her out and about. She's petite and fragile. The field was all muddy and our honor had the courtesy of hanging out with it. Some of my teamiez said that the match we played was biased coz of the referee being the opposite team captain's friend. BTW I was the team captain for DevilChicks. Continuing, I did think it true, for I noticed it with my own eyes but to think it through, it wouldn't have changed the outcome. It's hard to accept the fact that we weren't good enough. Then there was this b*tch who kicked me in the leg deliberately a lot of times(coz of which I am in pain n my skin has blued out....feeling blue seems appropriate ova here) coz let's face it...M fine in sports. But no worries, I know how to get back and even she can't walk properly now. I know, I am ev...

I don't know why

Everyday I keep waking up with the determination that I'll move on. I won't care for you. I won't wait for you. I'll start living without you. You won't matter a thing in the world to me. And everyday that oath is broken. Broken because of the loneliness that surrounds me. Broken because of the jealousy that I feel at other's happiness. I feel like giving up on you but that one little hope, "what if" brings back the patience followed by the excruciating misery and agony of endless torture of loneliness. So everyday, along with my clothes, I put on a smile and go out in the world. I feel struck by the irony of being unhappy of the want of happiness with you. Who are you? What makes you worth my wait? Why do I desire you? What is so special about you that will defy all my previous experiments with relationships? Why just a walk with you will make my day a win through? Why you?  Just why damn it! I don't know this and yet I am in pain. I feel ...

Relationship Stereotypes

"He's been in a lot of relationships. He says it's my first so I don't really understand. I am being stupid if I feel jealous when he talks to other girls. What to do?" I have been asked this question a dozen times, by a dozen girls and to top it off, not just by girls, but a guy friend of mine came up with this question a week ago. Well what can I say? Welcome to the 21st century! It's the era of instant make-ups and even faster break-ups. People of this generation don't really get the concept of a relationship. It has become the question of your status symbol. You have to stick to the 'status quo'. Those who have never been in a relationship are often looked down as weird, ugly, pathetic, loser-ish or without a 'life'. Hello! Reality are not any of that if you are not in a relationship. Duh! How can you be? Ask me? I have seen it all. People in relationships are pathetic and love obsessed that they are so dep...
Hi Everyone...If you are out there and reading this blog...I just wanna say that I am gonna start writing this blog for you. So let's hope you find your answers ova here..... It's a blog for everything. Hope you find it awesome...or not....who cares?