
Showing posts from October, 2015

Attraction: A fatal law

"You love me, you love me not? You told me once, but I forgot."   Attraction is a very dangerous thing. It's confusing and killing. It gives the illusion of love but is like a poisonous b*tch with rabies. You get enthralled every single time. When you are attracted to someone you tend to ignore all the bad things about that person. That person is the most perfect human on the face of earth. But guess what, NOBODY is perfect! The worst part is that when it ends, you regret it like a really bad hangover. Then you start realizing all the mistakes on your part and theirs and that will bitter all the memories that you ever made. Now, I feel like an ol' fat granny, telling you this, but I indeed have unearthed a cure for it. It is simple to the ears, but hard to implement. Just be yourself! Ta-da! Really, it's that simple. All you need to do is that don't change the person you are when you are with that person. Treat that person just the way you would ...