
Showing posts from December, 2013

New Year Charades.....

Happy New Year!!!! It's almost New Year and with that approaching, my FB news feed is full of questions like "What's your new year plan? What are you gonna change in life? What are your resolutions?" and other sh*t. To be honest, it doesn't really matter. None of these questions do. I mean you don't need a certain date to change things in your life. Trust me 1 January doesn't help, determination does. You can take any date with any day and if you are determined you'll achieve your goals. And if you don't have that, you can make a whole 1 Jan resolution list and all you'll gift yourself throughout the year is disappointment. So, grow up and get out of the stupid new year resolution sh*t. What you really needa do on a new year's eve is: party like a b*tch from 31Dec 9pm to 1Jan 6am. Make party plans, put on a chic dress and go around having fun. Live like you're young! Charades, charades and charades....avoid them and have fun....

Bitter Truth

This post is about how I feel and the 'need to do' thing. If any one of you feel the same way like I do. Let's do the 'moving on' thing together. Do, what I am doing.                       Harsh Reality: To finally realize that true love exists only in fictional novels. It hurts like a b*tch but it's the truth. The truth that I felt the need to defy but cannot anymore. Why can't I be done with it? Why can't I just end it? I need to make myself feel occupied. I need to make certain things in my life to go away. Yet, the hope that maybe I am an exception, keeps me hanging on the rope. Stops me every single time, from letting go. Even though I know it's stupid, yet all I can do is hope. Even when I try and decide I won't hope: I still do. I can't help but think of possibilities of finding my one true love. Of the hope that what my life will be if he's not in it or in it. What if I lose the only chance which I could have had, if o...

People you fall in love with

There are 4 kind of people that we meet throughout our lifetime: the desired one, the first love, the one true love and the fated one. You meet the 'desired one' and all you can do is wish he/she was yours. You usually meet this kind of person during your naivety of relationship age.(It doesn't  matter what your age is, whenever your feelings start that's where you start the count). This person keeps you wishing on a wishing star. When he/she goes away from your life, you are in pain but eventually move on. Then comes the  'first love' . The person leaves you dumbstruck and head over heels. That one person who rules your world. You usually fall for this person during your adolescence of relationship age. This person keeps you up at night. You make future plans with this person. But when this person leaves you, you feel like nothing else in the world holds any interest for you. But eventually you'll move on. Next comes the 'one true love' . This ...

Gossip: What goes around, comes back around.

                                         Gossip: One thing that no one can resist. Yes! That means men too. Ya, you must be thinking, men don't gossip, they don't have time for such sh*t! They have better things to do. Nah! No one can resist gossip. I ain't not here for 'Men v/s Women: Who gossips more?' debate, it's obviously men. Lol, kidding, it's equal. I am here to share my experience on gossip. Studying in co-ed is being my first experience in a long, long time(Girls school n grad college...long story...don't ask).So, I had no idea what women can do to gain men's attention. It's sadly pathetic, to be true.  I am more of a straight forward person and right now I am feeling really ashamed of being in the act of concealment. I haven't really spoken out my mind lately and have may or may not have back-bitched and now I am waiting for my fate. The thing is gossip is a b*t...