First Times
"There is always this first time that makes us realize that we were missing something. It can be good, it can be bad, but it is never the same." First time, doesn't really stand for just getting your first kiss or losing your virginity. It stands for experiencing something for the first time, something different. It can be as simple as doing a silly thing like bunking for the first time (we all needa do that sh*t once in our lifetime) or just being woken up by a friend at 5 am for a walk and maybe, not enjoying it. Although in my defense, my company is awesome so if I wake you up at 5 am for a walk, FEEL PRIVILEGED! It can be a reference that you understood or a realization that you are born to be different. Then of course, their is that first kiss experience that everyone talks about ( BTWs mine sucked) or the first time you professed your love to someone and they accepted or didn't ( I am a girl, I don't go around professing love). These are all fir...