
Showing posts from February, 2014

Fantasy World or Diffidence:Whats your poison?

Problems and Scary Situations! Who doesn't have them? But, sometimes people just refuse to accept the reality. It's like they don't see it the way others do. Things that are logically wrong for us, might be just a joke for them. Or maybe they are just avoiding to face it all, altogether? So, I think that there are two probable reasons for that: either they are the dwellers of fantasy world or they have an inferior complex or lack of confidence that makes them fake delusional a.k.a. afraid to own it. I think, sometimes it's so difficult to accept reality that people start imagining different scenarios of how things went down and stick to it, or sometimes they know that they are wrong but the fact that their image would be shunned keeps them from accepting their fault. But, isn't it wrong on other people? I guess, I just feel so irritated by this. I mean, "Yeah! I saw what you did there, but I am not telling it to everyone, thinking maybe you'll realiz...